6.1.1. bedops

bedops is a core tool for finding relationships between two or more genomic datasets.

This is an important category of problems to solve. As examples, one might want to:

  • Know how much overlap exists between the elements of two datasets, to quantitatively establish the degree to which they are similar.
  • Merge or filter elements. For example, retrieving non-overlapping, “unique” elements from multiple BED files.
  • Split elements from multiple BED files into disjoint subsets.

The bedops program offers several Boolean set and multiset operations, including union, subset, and difference, to assist investigators with answering these types of questions.

Importantly, bedops handles any number of any-size inputs at once when computing results in order to maximize efficiency. This use case has serious practical consequences for many genomic studies.

One can also use bedops to symmetrically or asymmetrically pad coordinates. Inputs and outputs Input

The bedops program reads sorted BED data and BEDOPS Starch-formatted archives as input.

Finally, bedops requires specification of a set operation (and, optionally, may include modifier options).

Support for common headers (including UCSC track headers) is offered through the --header option. Headers are stripped from output. Output

The bedops program returns sorted BED results to standard output. This output can be redirected to a file or piped to other utilities. Usage

The bedops program takes sorted BED-formatted data as input, either from a file or streamed from standard input. It will process any number of input files in parallel.

If your data are unsorted, use BEDOPS sort-bed to prepare data for bedops. You only need to sort once, as all BEDOPS tools read and write sorted BED data.

Because memory usage is very low, one can use sorted inputs of any size. Processing times generally follow a simple linear relationship with input sizes (e.g., as the input size doubles, the processing time doubles accordingly).

The --help option describes the set operation and other options available to the end user:

  citation: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/14/1919.abstract
  version:  2.4.35 (typical)
  authors:  Shane Neph & Scott Kuehn

      USAGE: bedops [process-flags] <operation> <File(s)>*

          Every input file must be sorted per the sort-bed utility.
          Each operation requires a minimum number of files as shown below.
            There is no fixed maximum number of files that may be used.
          Input files must have at least the first 3 columns of the BED specification.
          The program accepts BED and Starch file formats.
          May use '-' for a file to indicate reading from standard input (BED format only).

      Process Flags:
          --chrom <chromosome> Process data for given <chromosome> only.
          --ec                 Error check input files (slower).
          --header             Accept headers (VCF, GFF, SAM, BED, WIG) in any input file.
          --help               Print this message and exit successfully.
          --help-<operation>   Detailed help on <operation>.
                                 An example is --help-c or --help-complement
          --range L:R          Add 'L' bp to all start coordinates and 'R' bp to end
                                 coordinates. Either value may be + or - to grow or
                                 shrink regions.  With the -e/-n operations, the first
                                 (reference) file is not padded, unlike all other files.
          --range S            Pad or shink input file(s) coordinates symmetrically by S.
                                 This is shorthand for: --range -S:S.
          --version            Print program information.

      Operations: (choose one of)
          -c, --complement [-L] File1 [File]*
          -d, --difference ReferenceFile File2 [File]*
          -e, --element-of [number% | number] ReferenceFile File2 [File]*
                 by default, -e 100% is used.  'bedops -e 1' is also popular.
          -i, --intersect File1 File2 [File]*
          -m, --merge File1 [File]*
          -n, --not-element-of [number% | number] ReferenceFile File2 [File]*
                 by default, -n 100% is used.  'bedops -n 1' is also popular.
          -p, --partition File1 [File]*
          -s, --symmdiff File1 File2 [File]*
          -u, --everything File1 [File]*
          -w, --chop [bp] [--stagger [bp]] [-x] File1 [File]*
                 by default, -w 1 is used with no staggering.

      Example: bedops --range 10 -u file1.bed
      NOTE: Only operations -e|n|u preserve all columns (no flattening)


Extended help is available for all operations in bedops. For example, the --help-symmdiff option in bedops gives detailed information on the --symmdiff operation. Operations

To demonstrate the various operations in bedops, we start with two simple datasets A and B, containing genomic elements on generic chromsome chrN:


These datasets can be sorted BED or Starch-formatted files or streams.


The bedops tool can operate on two or more multiple inputs, but we show here the results of operations acting on just two or three sets, in order to help demonstrate the basic principles of applying set operations. Everything (-u, –everything)

The --everything option is equivalent to concatenating and sorting BED elements from multiple files, but works much faster:


As with all BEDOPS tools and operations, the output of this operation is sorted.


The --everything option preserves all columns from all inputs. This is useful for multiset unions of datasets with additional ID, score or other metadata.


To demonstrate the use of --everything in performing a multiset union, we show three sorted sets First.bed, Second.bed and Third.bed and the result of their union with bedops:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr2      150     300
chr2      200     250
chr3      100     150
$ more Second.bed
chr2      50      150
chr2      400     600
$ more Third.bed
chr3      150     350
$ bedops --everything First.bed Second.bed Third.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     200
chr2      50      150
chr2      150     300
chr2      200     250
chr2      400     600
chr3      100     150
chr3      150     350

This example uses three input sets, but you can specify two, four or even more sets with --everything to take their union. Element-of (-e, –element-of)

The --element-of operation shows the elements of the first (“reference”) file that overlap elements in the second and subsequent “query” files by the specified length (in bases) or by percentage of length.

In the following example, we search for elements in the reference set A which overlap elements in query set B by at least one base:


Elements that are returned are always from the reference set (in this case, set A).


The --element-of option preserves all columns from the first (reference) input.


The argument to --element-of is a value that species to degree of overlap for elements. The value is either integral for per-base overlap, or fractional for overlap measured by length.

Here is a demonstration of the use of --element-of 1 on two sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed, which looks for elements in the First set that overlap elements in the Second set by one or more bases:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --element-of 1 First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      400     475

One base is the least stringent (default) integral criterion. We can be more restrictive about our overlap requirement by increasing this value, say to 15 bases:

$ bedops --element-of 15 First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     200

Only this element from the First set overlaps one or more elements in the Second set by a total of fifteen or more bases.

We can also use percentage of overlap as our argument. Let’s say that we only want elements from the First set, which overlap half their length or more of a qualifying element in the Second set:

$ bedops --element-of 50% First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      150     160

Note that –element-of is not a symmetric operation, as demonstrated by reversing the order of the reference and query set:



As we show here, by inverting the usual order of our sample sets First and Second, we retrieve elements from the Second set:

$ bedops --element-of 1 Second.bed First.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470

While this operation is not symmetric with respect to ordering of input sets, --element-of (-e) does produce exactly everything that --not-element-of (-n) does not, given the same overlap criterion and ordered input sets.


We show usage examples with two files, but --element-of supports three or more input sets. For a more in-depth discussion of --element-of and how overlaps are determined with three or more input files, please review the BEDOPS forum discussion on this subject. Not-element-of (-n, –not-element-of)

The --not-element-of operation shows elements in the reference file which do not overlap elements in all other sets. For example:



We again use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed to demonstrate --not-element-of, in order to look for elements in the First set that do not overlap elements in the Second set by one or more bases:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --not-element-of 1 First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      200     300
chr1      500     550

As with the --element-of (-e) operator, the overlap criterion for --not-element-of (-n) can be specified either by length in bases, or by percentage of length.

Similarly, this operation is not symmetric – the order of inputs will specify the reference set, and thus the elements in the result (if any).


The --not-element-of operatior preserves columns from the first (reference) dataset.


The same caveat applies to use of --not-element-of (-n) as with --element-of (-e), namely that the second and all subsequent input files are merged before the set operation is applied. Please review the BEDOPS forum discussion thread on this topic for more details. Complement (-c, –complement)

The --complement operation calculates the genomic regions in the gaps between the contiguous per-chromosome ranges defined by one or more inputs. The following example shows the use of two inputs:


Note this computed result will lack ID, score and other columnar data other than the first three columns that contain positional data. That is, computed elements will not come from any of the input sets, but are new elements created from the input set space.


To demonstrate --complement, we again use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed, in order to compute the “gaps” between their inputs:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --complement First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      300     400
chr1      475     490

As we see here, for a given chromosome, gaps are computed between the leftmost and rightmost edges of elements in the union of elements across all input sets.


For a more in-depth discussion on using --complement with left and right bounds of input chromosomes, please review the BEDOPS forum discussion on this subject. Difference (-d, –difference)

The --difference operation calculates the genomic regions found within the first (reference) input file, excluding regions in all other input files:



To demonstrate --difference, we use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed and compute the genomic space in First that excludes (or “subtracts”) ranges from Second:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --difference First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     120
chr1      125     150
chr1      160     300
chr1      400     460
chr1      470     475
chr1      500     550


As with --element-of and --not-element-of, this operation is not symmetric. While --not-element-of preserves all columns of elements found in the reference input and allows one to define overlaps, the --difference operator simply reports every genomic range as three-column BED, which does not overlap elements found in the second and subsequent input files by any amount. Symmetric difference (-s, –symmdiff)

The --symmdiff operation calculates the genomic range that is exclusive to each input, excluding any ranges shared across inputs:



To demonstrate --symmdiff, we use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed and compute the genomic space that is unique to First and Second:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --symmdiff First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     120
chr1      125     150
chr1      160     300
chr1      400     460
chr1      470     475
chr1      490     550


It has been observed that --symmdiff (-s) is the same as the union of --difference A B with --difference B A, but --symmdiff runs faster in practice. Intersect (-i, –intersect)

The --intersect operation determines genomic regions common to all input sets:



To demonstrate --intersect, we use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed and compute the genomic space that is common to both First and Second:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --intersect First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470

Notice how this computed result is quite different from that of --element-of N, which functions more like a LEFT JOIN operation in SQL. Merge (-m, –merge)

The --merge operation flattens all disjoint, overlapping, and adjoining element regions into contiguous, disjoint regions:



To demonstrate --merge, we use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed and compute the contiguous genomic space across both First and Second:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --merge First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      490     550


The preceding example shows use of --merge (-m) with two inputs, but the merge operation works just as well with one input, collapsing elements within the file that overlap or which are directly adjoining. Partition (-p, –partition)

The --partition operator splits all overlapping input regions into a set of disjoint segments. One or more input files may be provided; this option will segment regions from all inputs:



To demonstrate --partition, we use sorted sets First.bed and Second.bed and compute disjointed genomic regions across both First and Second:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr1      150     160
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     475
chr1      500     550
$ more Second.bed
chr1      120     125
chr1      150     155
chr1      150     160
chr1      460     470
chr1      490     500
$ bedops --partition First.bed Second.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     120
chr1      120     125
chr1      125     150
chr1      150     155
chr1      155     160
chr1      160     200
chr1      200     300
chr1      400     460
chr1      460     470
chr1      470     475
chr1      490     500
chr1      500     550

Notice that the result set of partitioned elements excludes any duplicates from input regions, thus enforcing the disjoint nature of the computed result.


As with --merge, --complement and other “computing” operations, note the lack of ID, score and other columnar data in this computed result. Chop (-w, –chop)

The --chop operator merges all overlapping input regions and “chops” them up into a set of disjoint segments of identical length (with a default of one base). One or more input files may be provided; this option will segment regions from all inputs:



To demonstrate --chop, we use a sorted set called Regions.bed and compute a set of one-base genomic regions constructed from the merged input elements:

$ more Regions.bed
chr1      100     105
chr1      120     127
chr1      122     124
$ bedops --chop 1 Regions.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     101
chr1      101     102
chr1      102     103
chr1      103     104
chr1      104     105
chr1      120     121
chr1      121     122
chr1      122     123
chr1      123     124
chr1      124     125
chr1      125     126
chr1      126     127


Overlapping and nested regions are merged into contiguous ranges before chopping. The end result contains unique, non-overlapping elements. Stagger (–stagger)

The --stagger operator works in conjunction with –chop. While --chop sets the size of each cut, the --stagger operator moves the start position of each cut by the specified number of bases, across each merged interval.



To demonstrate --stagger, we use a sorted set called Regions.bed and compute a set of one-base genomic regions constructed from the merged input elements, but move the start position across the merged regions by three bases, before generating the next chop:

$ more Regions.bed
chr1      100     105
chr1      120     127
chr1      122     124
$ bedops --chop 1 --stagger 3 Regions.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr1      100     101
chr1      103     104
chr1      120     121
chr1      123     124
chr1      126     127


Overlapping and nested regions are merged into contiguous ranges before chopping and staggering. The end result contains unique, non-overlapping elements. Exclude (-x)

Like --stagger, -x is a sub-option of the –chop operator, and it may be used with or without --stagger. This option will remove any remainder genomic chunk that is smaller than that specified with --chop. For example, if you start with a 10 nt region and use --chop 4, the final segment would be 2 nt in length if -x is not specified. With -x, that last segment does not go to output. With -x, the chop operation produces output regions that are all the same size. Per-chromosome operations (–chrom)

All operations on inputs can be restricted to one chromosome, by adding the --chrom <val> operator.


This operator is highly useful for parallelization, where operations on large BED inputs can be split up by chromosome and pushed to separate nodes on a computational cluster. See the Efficiently creating Starch-formatted archives with a cluster documentation for a demonstration of this technique in action.


To demonstrate the use of --chrom to restrict operations to a chromosome (such as chr3), we perform a per-chromosome union of elements from three sorted sets First.bed, Second.bed and Third.bed, each with elements from multiple chromosomes:

$ more First.bed
chr1      100     200
chr2      150     300
chr2      200     250
chr3      100     150
$ more Second.bed
chr2      50      150
chr2      400     600
$ more Third.bed
chr3      150     350
$ bedops --chrom chr3 --everything First.bed Second.bed Third.bed > Result.bed
$ more Result.bed
chr3      100     150
chr3      150     350 Range (–range)

The --range operation works in conjunction with other operations.

When used with one value (--range S), this operation symmetrically pads all elements of input sets by the specified integral value S. When the specified value is positive, every genomic segment grows in size. An element will grow asymmetrically to prevent growth beyond base position 0, if needed. Otherwise, when negative, elements shrink, and any element with zero (or less) length is discarded.

Alternatively, when used with two values (--range L:R), this operation asymmetrically pads elements, adding L to each start coordinate, and adding R to each stop coordinate. Negative values may be specified to grow or shrink the region, accordingly.

This option is immediately useful for adjusting the coordinate index of BED files. For example, to shift from 1-based to 0-based coordinate indexing:

$ bedops --range -1:-1 --everything my1BasedCoordinates.bed > my0BasedCoordinates.bed

And, likewise, for 0-based to 1-based indexing:

$ bedops --range 1:1 --everything my0BasedCoordinates.bed > my1BasedCoordinates.bed


The --range value is applied to inputs prior to the application of other operations (such as --intersect or --merge, etc.).

Padding elements with bedops is much more efficient that doing so with awk or some other script, and you do not need to go back and resort your data. Even symmetric padding can cause data to become unsorted in non-obvious ways. Using --range ensures that your data remain sorted and it works efficiently with any set operation.

Also, note that the --element-of and --not-element-of operations behave differently with --range, in that only the second and subsequent input files are padded. Starch support

The bedops application supports use of Starch-formatted archives as inputs, as well as text-based BED data. One or multiple inputs may be Starch archives.


By combining the --chrom operator with operations on Starch archives, the end user can achieve improved computing performance and disk space savings, particularly where bedops, bedmap and closest-features operations are applied with a computational cluster on separate chromosomes. Error checking (–ec)

Use the --ec option in conjunction with any aforementioned operation to do more stringent checking of the inputs’ compliance to bedops requirements, including sorting checks, delimiter checks, among others.

To demonstrate, we can deliberately introduce a typo in dataset A, using the --ec option to try to catch it:

$ bedops --ec --everything BEDFileA
May use bedops --help for more help.

Error: in BEDFileA
First column should not have spaces.  Consider 'chr1' vs. 'chr1 '.  These are different names.
See row: 3

The typo introduced was the addition of a space within the third line of dataset A.


Use of the --ec option will roughly double the running times of set operations, but it provides stringent error checking to ensure inputs and outputs are valid. --ec can help check problematic input and offers helpful hints for any needed corrections, when problems are detected. Tips Chaining operations

You can efficiently chain operations together, e.g.:

$ bedops --range 50 --merge A | bedops --intersect - B > answer.bed

In this example, elements from A are padded 50 bases up- and downstream and merged, before intersecting with coordinates in B. Sorting inputs

For unsorted input, be sure to first use sort-bed to presort the data stream before using with bedops. Unsorted input will not work properly with BEDOPS tools.


If you will use an initially-unsorted file more than once, save the results of sorting. You only need to sort once! BEDOPS tools take in and export sorted data.